Headphone covers Ohrenpuschel

A small project for a great comfort. Fun, easy and quick to knit. You need for the headphone covers a small skein of soft yarn.

Size: for  headphone circ. 2 ¼“ (6 cm).

Yarn: Sport / 5 ply

Suggested: Malabrigo Arroyo, 100 % Merino, 335 yards (306 meters) / 100 grams (3.53 ounces) – 1/8 skein.

Or: Manos del Uruguay Serena, 60% Alpaca, 40% Cotton, 170 yards (155 meters) / 50 grams (1.76 ounces) – ¼ skein.

Alternatively you can knit the covers with two threads of Light Fingering yarn: Holst Garn Supersoft 100% uld, 100% Wool, 314 yards (287 meters) /50 grams (1.76 ounces) – ¼ skein.

Needle: a set of 5 DPNs  US 1½ – 2.5 mm

Gauge: 6 sts and 8 rnds in St st = 1“ / 2,5 cm after wet blocking

Notions:  tapestry needle,  an elastic thread


CO – cast on
decr(s) – decrease(s), decreasing
DPN(s) – double-pointed needle(s)
k – knit
k2tog – knit 2 together
LLI – a left-leaning lifted increase
p – purl
rep – repeat
RLI – a right-leaning lifted increase
RS – right side
rnd(s) – round(s)
skp – slip, knit 1, pass slipped st over knit st
sl – slip
st(s) – stitch(es)
St st – stockinette stitch
WS – wrong side

Pattern instructions

Using 2 DPNs basic CO 10 sts. Knit St st 2 rows*.
* The first st is slipped, the last st is knitted on RS, purled on WS. This is an ideal preparation for picking up stitches for a border finish. You can use your preferred method.

Cont St st and begin to knit with incrs.
Row 1 (RS): sl1, k1, RLI, knit to last 3 sts, k1, LLI, k2.
Row 2 (WS): sl1, purl.
Rep the 2 rows 4 times. You should have 18 sts.

Knit St st 2 rows.

Cont St st and work decrs.
Row 1 (RS): sl1, skp, knit until 3 last sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 2 (WS): sl1, purl.

Rep the 2 rows 4 times until 10 sts.

Work St st 1 row (RS). Dont´t turn work, don´t breack the yarn. Begin to knit in the rnd.
RS facing, using the 2nd DPNs, pick up kwise 10 sts from the side. With the next DPNs pick up 10 sts from CO sts. With the next DPNs pick up 10 sts from the next side. Don´t turn.

Knit the next rnd with 6 decrs. Decr 1 st in the middle of every side (k2tog) and 1 st on every corner: knit the last st and the first st from the next DPN together.

BO kwise. Break off yarn, weave in ends, wet block. Using a tapestry needle sew an elastic thread into the edge of covers. Enjoy!

Ohrenpuschel is a funny word. Ohren is a german word for ears. Puschel is a sweet word for a squirrel or  a small wooly animal.  The name Ohrenpuschel means „a wooly thing for ears“ or „a sweet squirrel for ears“.

All rights of images, patterns and descriptions: © 2018 Olga Beckmann.
This may not be divulged in any way without my express permission or used commercially.

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